Confidence tools for women
Tired of being told the secret to confidence is a perfect body? Me too. Or maybe you have it all, but you still feel like something’s missing. And that something is your self-belief.
The 5 Confidence Tools Used By Rare Women is an ebook that helps you own the confident woman you are.
Learn the secrets of the rarest type of woman in the world: a woman who harnesses play, reversal of expectation, boldness, and her characteristic ‘otherness’ to cultivate her confidence persona.
Here’s what I’m covering in the ebook:
🍊 How to resist the expectations of others by trying new things and revealing the unexpected sides of you
🍊 How to have your own back in moments of insecurity or discomfort
🍊 How to reveal contrasting sides of your personality in a charming way
🍊 How to use your voice to project greater confidence in the world
🍊 How to overcome timidity and act from the gut instead of overthinking