The good girl. We’ve all been her. But you don’t have to be anymore.

From a young age, many women are taught—both explicitly and subtly—that their worth is tied to an ability to nurture, accommodate, or maintain harmony. The good girl lives in fear, believing deep down that she is not good enough and so everything must be a perfect performance. She can’t have too many opinions, she feels unworthy of taking up space or asserting herself, and she definitely cannot show sides of herself that would seem wild or too “out there”. She lives in a trap of her own design.

Go from ‘“Good Girl’ to Whole Woman” with my guide on how to flourish after people-pleasing and self-abandonment.

Learn how to…

Stop being an emotional service station to everything and everyone.

Reject the things you’ve outgrown from past relationships or your family of origin.

Explore the shadow side of your personality (anger, sensuality, power & independence) that makes you interesting and whole.

Unleash the sides of you that feel problematic or too different from what everyone else thinks about you.

Live in your body with greater ease and comfort knowing that you are in your authenticity.