Lauren’s Must Reads for Confidence
These books gave me practical footholds and encouragement while struggling with self-doubt. I trust they will guide you also.
Reading List
The Road Less Traveled— M. Scott Peck
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion —Dr. Robert Cialdini
The Pivot Year—Brianna Wiest
The Dance of Anger— Harriet Lerner
The Second Mountain—David Brooks
The Search: Finding Meaningful Work in a Post-Career World—Bruce Feiler
It’s Not You: Identifying & Healing from Narcissistic People—Ramani Durvasula
The Gift of Fear—Gavin De Becker
The 48 Laws of Power—Robert Greene
Becoming Bulletproof—Evy Pompouras
Let Your Life Speak—Parker Palmer
Awareness—Anthony De Mello